Wednesday, 21 May 2014

7 Ways to Make Losing Weight Easier

A whopping 68 percent of women believe that willpower is the most important factor for losing weight, according to a new Institute for Wellness Education report. And while there's no denying that willpower plays a role in eating right and resisting temptation, perhaps the easiest way to lose weight is not to test your willpower in the first place. After all, the more you try your willpower, the sooner it will give out. 
Want to lose weight without struggling with temptation? These seven tricks will remove willpower from the equation so you don't have to give healthy eating a second thought:

Cook Once a Week
Whether it's chopping veggies, assembling salads, hard-boiling eggs, or pre-roasting chicken, preparing your meals ahead of time can eliminate the guesswork (and temptations) throughout the week. All you have to do is grab, go, and eat. Learn how to cook once, eat for the week.

Keep Healthy Snacks On You At All Times
Your desk, your purse, your gym bag, it doesn't matter. Wherever you go, so should healthy snacks. That way, when hunger strikes, you have a healthy option right at your fingertips and won't have to fight the urge to fill up on less-than-healthy options. Here are 42 portable healthy snacks to load up on.

Keep Junk Food Out of Reach
News flash: People are inherently lazy. A recent study from St. Bonaventure University in New York found that if you actually have to get up to grab a food, you'll eat less of it—no matter how much you love it. Your move: If you bring an unhealthy treat into your house, put it in a high cabinet where you can't see it. That way, you'll naturally eat less of it. 
Cut Up Your Food
The little-kid tactic will help you eat less and feel fuller, per Arizona State University research. Cutting your food into smaller pieces makes foods seem bigger overall—which is why it works better with larger foods like steak and sandwiches than with small ones like grapes or curly fries.

Eat Breakfast
Every. Single. Day. It will help keep your blood sugar levels in check so you don't get ravenous and overeat later in the day. Check out these 7 research-backed breakfast tips for faster weight loss.

Downsize Your Plates
Sure, they fit less food—but smaller dishes also make you think you're eating more! According to Cornell research, people who eat off of six-inch plates think they're eating about 18 percent more food than they actually are. There's no need to be drastic about it: According to researchers, a two-inch reduction in plate diameter would cut your calories consumed by 22 percent—the equivalent of about 18 pounds lost in a single year. And if you're really serious about dropping pounds, you might want to consider investing in these cute portion-control dishes

Stay Out of Supermarkets
If you head to the supermarket with a healthy list, only to leave with a stockpile of sweet treats, consider making someone else do your shopping. Many cities offer grocery-delivery services that eliminate the need for you to ever enter the mecca of temptation. Bonus: With one less errand to run, you'll have more time to get cooking!


Monday, 19 May 2014

Many Health Benefits Of Banana

100g of banana (ripe) provides approximately 116kcal energy that makes it a supplementary staple food. Bananas are quite rich in potassium, magnesium and iron, they stand out for their vitamin B6 content and contain significant amounts of vitamins C, B1, B2, and E as well folates. 

Banana provide many health benefits, most people enjoy eating bananas and they can be eating alone or combined into a smoothie or milkshake. They are one of the most affordable fruits in the market place and can be found year round nearly everywhere in the world.

Bananas are of the best sources of potassium an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function. A medium sized banana provides 350g of potassium. Potassium helps body maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balances in the cells. 

Bananas help restore normal bowel activity, they are rich in non digestible fibers, this can help with both constipation and diarrhea. Bananas normalize the colon's function to absorb large amounts of water for regular bowel movements.

Bananas protect from ulcer and heartburn remedy. They have long been recognized for their antacid effects that protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage. They help to neutralize acidity, a great way to get rid of heart burn.

Bananas are a perfect baby food. They are the best solid food to introduce to infants. A mashed ripe banana is an extremely simple and healthy baby food.

Bananas are not contraindicated for diabetics, although the use of carbohydrates they contain in the form of sugars must be controlled.

Bananas are very easy to digest and rarely cause allergic reactions.

Bananas are recommended for children recovering from gastrointestinal problems particularly diarrhea.

The dietary fibre component in banana pulp has cholesterol-lowering effect.

Bananas promote an overall improvement of the functional efficiency of kidneys. Benefits to the kidneys are again due to the high potassium content of Bananas. A normal intake of potassium suppresses calcium excretion in the urine and minimizes the kidney stone.

One of the fastest ways to cure hang over is to make a diary banana cocktail with milk and honey. They are known to calm an upset stomach and help rehydrate your body.

Bananas are rich in the important electrolytes magnesium and potassium, which are severely depleted during heavy drinking. 

Bananas contain 25% of recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin B6 necessary for producing antibodies and red blood cells as well as aiding in the metabolisim of fat. Vitamin B6 serves as an immunity booster.

Banana strengthens your armor against infectious diseases, with each average size banana, you ingest 15% of RDA for Vitamin C, one of the strongest antioxidants.

Bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that converts into serotonin known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Bananas make you smarter and help with learning by making you more alert. Eat a banana before an exam to benefit from the high levels of potassium.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Cabbage 'Heals Ulcers'

Cabbage contains a high concentration of nutrients that support the health and function of every major physiological system. These nutrients include vitamin C, dietary fiber, vitamin K and the sulfur-containing antioxidant compounds known as glucosinolates. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that people who regularly consume the nutrients in fresh produce like cabbage may be less likely to develop a wide variety of chronic diseases. Cabbage is available in hundreds of varieties, but green cabbage is the most commonly eaten.
Cabbage, while not as colorful as an orange, is also a good source of vitamin C. A single cup of raw, shredded cabbage provides 34 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for adult women and nearly 29 percent of the RDA of vitamin C for men. Vitamin C helps support the health of the skin, blood vessels, teeth and bones. As an antioxidant, it can inhibit the ability of free radical compounds to damage cellular tissue and DNA. Eating plenty of vitamin C-rich foods like cabbage may decrease your risk of hypertension, heart disease, cancer and osteoarthritis. Vitamin C degrades rapidly when it is exposed to water, light, heat and air. Maximize the amount you receive by storing cabbage in a cool, dark place and using it within three to four days of purchase. Slice cabbage only just before eating and avoid boiling as a preparation method. Instead, eat cabbage raw, slightly sauteed or steamed.

Cabbages in general are very rich in potassium and low in sodium. The latter directly influences the genesis of hypertension because of its capacity to retain water and increase blood volume.

Cabbage also contains sulfur. When you have adequate sulfur in your diet, your body gets a boost to fight infection and heal wounds more rapidly. Sulfur is a mineral and the third most abundant mineral in the body but people often overlook its importance, even though it helps perform such diverse roles as regulating blood sugar, reducing aches and pains and helping to heal wounds. The sulfur helps treat fungal infections too.

Cabbage contains vitamin A so it helps your skin and eyes. It also has phytonutrients that aid your body in the production of enzymes that detoxify your system. The iodine in cabbage helps muscle development. It also helps maintain skin vigor with it's high vitamin D.

Cabbage’s calcium content is significant (approximately half that of milk) This calcium is easily absorbed by the body. Cabbages are a food that must be carefully considered in cases of osteoporosis and decalcification, as well as any circumstance requiring greater level of this mineral.

Red cabbage contains anthocyanin, a very powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant helps the brain cells protect brain cells. The lactic acid in the cabbage is good for the colon and acts as a disinfectant. It also gives the body a source of energy and reduces muscle soreness.

Of the phytochemicals found in cabbage, the most important and most studied effect is that of being anticarcinogenic. These surprising substances may have other medicinal effects, such as preventing or treating ulcers or diabetic or may even have antibiotic properties.
Cabbage juice is good for treating ulcers in the stomach and gastritis. The addition of cabbage juice to the diet also helps people with other problems such as asthma, headaches and bronchitis. It also contains a high amount of vitamin B, which is a boost to the metabolism as well as helping to maintain the nerves.  Since cabbage boosts metabolism, it's a huge benefit for those trying to lose weight.

Cabbage helps to eliminate both free radicals and also uric acid that builds in the system. Both of these are the main causes of diseases such as gout, rheumatism, arthritis, skin disease, renal calculi and pigment consuming eczema.

Every 1/2 cup of cooked cabbage provides 2 grams of dietary fiber, or 8 percent of the RDA of fiber. Cabbage contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber intake is linked to a lower risk of diabetes and high blood cholesterol, while insoluble fiber can help regulate bowel movements.  Cabbage one of the best overall sources of dietary fiber, adding that a diet that incorporates plenty of fiber-rich foods may also help prevent obesity, heart disease, hemorrhoids, constipation and diverticulosis.
Cabbage contains 68 percent of the required daily intake of vitamin K for men and 90 percent of the RDA of vitamin K for women in every 1/2-cup serving. Vitamin K plays a vital role in proper blood clotting and in helping maintain bone strength. If your diet lacks adequate vitamin K, you may be more likely to develop osteoporosis or to bleed excessively when injured. Vitamin K is fat-soluble and cannot be absorbed by the intestines unless it is accompanied by a source of dietary fat. Try serving steamed cabbage with grilled chicken or lean steak, or tossing shredded cabbage with an olive oil-based dressing and seasonings to make a warm slaw.

Cabbage juice drunk on an empty stomach has also been used as a vermifuge to expel intestinal parasites. One drinks half glass on an empty stomach each morning for five consecutive days

Cabbage, like other members of the cruciferous vegetable family including broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, contains a high concentration of glucosinolate compounds. When cabbage is chewed and digested, the glucosinolates break down into indole and isothiocyanate compounds. According to the National Cancer Institute, these two compounds may act as powerful antioxidants that might help prevent cancer by inhibiting the growth and migration of tumor cells and by triggering the death of potentially cancerous cells. The NCI cautions, however, that most of the studies on the effect of indoles and isothiocyanates on cancer were conducted in animals, and that much more research is needed to confirm that eating cruciferous vegetables has an effect on cancer in humans.

Cabbages provide few calories (20-40kcal/100g). They provide a satisfyingly full feeling. Because of this, and its richness in vitamins and minerals, cabbage is ideal for obese. It should be included in all weight loss diets. 

Diabetics also tolerate cabbage well because they contain few carbohydrate and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

7 Habits That Cause Belly Fat

So, you’ve got yourself an absolutely gorgeous bikini to wear for a pool party two weeks from now. However, there’s a little bit of a problem – there’s no way of hiding your bulging belly fat in that skimpy swimsuit. Not sure how to trim down in order to do some justice to that awesome bikini waiting in your closet? Check out these seven habits that can cause belly fat – and be sure to do the opposite, so you can shape up and lose those unsightly bulges as fast as possible!

1. Drinking Carbonated Drinks Regularly
Can’t last a day without gulping down a can or two of soda? If this is you, then you’re certainly not being kind to your body. According to researchers, consuming one or two cans of soda daily causes your waistline to increase at least five times faster than those who barely drink soda in the course of a week. The concept behind this is that the high amount of sugar used in sodas trigger your craving for food, so you end up eating more than you should during mealtimes. Diet sodas aren’t any better than regular varieties since these contain artificial sweeteners, which can increase your appetite as much as sugar does. So if you have that serious craving for a satisfying drink, opt for healthy smoothies, fresh fruit juices, or a glass of water with lemon zest and mint leaves. You’re doing your body and overall health a favor by choosing a more nutritious drink that’s also low in sugar content. Since soda only causes you to add pounds without quenching your thirst, why bother drinking it, right?

2. Using a Larger Plate Each Time You Eat
Whether it’s a buffet dinner or just a regular meal at home, pay attention to the size of plate you use at mealtime. In a survey conducted among obese individuals, it was discovered that these people prefer larger plates over smaller or medium-sized ones. With a large plate size, they have more space for their food. So, how does this habit cause belly fat? Simple. When you have a larger space to pile up your food, you tend to consume more than your body needs, and that leads to more fat stored in your body. To avoid this nasty chain reaction, make it a point to use smaller plates and resist the urge to eat or go back for seconds when you’ve already had enough.

3. Dining Late at Night
While it’s true that your body naturally burns some flab as you sleep, it might not be able to efficiently do so when you go to bed on a full stomach. Aside from causing belly fat, eating late and reclining on a full stomach increases your risk of developing acid reflux and indigestion, since gravity is no longer able to pull everything in your tummy straight down. To prevent these conditions, consider eating smaller meals at night and don’t lie down for at least three hours after dinner. If possible, just snack on fruits in case you feel a bit hungry at night instead of raiding the fridge for sweet desserts to satisfy your craving.

4. Eating When Sad, Angry or Upset
Do you find yourself eating absent-mindedly when your emotions are at their peak? The next time you catch yourself doing this, try to snap out of it before you end up eating a double cheeseburger and fries. Emotional eating does nothing to make you feel better. If there’s anything you can get from this habit of eating whenever you’re upset or stressed out, it’s just hideous belly fat. The best way to combat this response to stress is by drinking a glass of water, talking to a friend, or taking a relaxing walk. Choose an activity that doesn’t involve eating, so you can stop yourself from loading up on extra calories when you’re feeling emotional.

5. Consuming Low-Fat Foods More Often
Some people assume that high-fat foods and drinks lead to more fat storage in your belly. The truth is, monounsaturated fats are not bad for you. If anything, foods such as avocados, olive oil and seeds work well in eliminating belly fat. Be wary of too many low-fat foods, since manufacturers often add sugar to these items. And you know what that means – the more sugar you have in the body, the greater your chances of storing more body fat. 

 6. Depriving Yourself of Sleep
Ideally, adults should get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night. When you fail to get enough sleep, your level of cortisol (stress hormone) increases and causes you to crave sugary foods. With that in mind, it’s harder to get rid of belly fat when you keep the habit of not getting enough sleep regularly. To maintain normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol, try your best to attain the recommended hours of sleep every night. This way you can balance your cortisol levels while boosting production of leptin, a type of hormone that causes you to control your appetite.

7. Not Getting Enough Protein in Your Regular Diet
Have you been depriving your body of protein-rich foods? Generally, healthy adults should consume at least 20 to 25 grams of protein in each meal, although this depends on your activity level and body size. Men in particular should get an additional 10 grams of protein with every meal to ensure excellent health. By increasing your protein intake, you can balance out your blood sugar while reducing insulin levels to promote a faster metabolic rate. What’s more, protein helps control hormones that increase your appetite, so you can slim down naturally. To power up your daily meals, consider eating high-protein foods such as ricotta cheese, shellfish, turkey, skinless chicken, salmon and eggs. These are your best options because of their low fat and high protein content – a great combination for slimming down and shaping up!

So are you ready to say hello to a flatter tummy and a more gorgeous body? Just be sure to avoid these seven bad eating habits, and you can be on your way to improving your body size and overall health.

Source: Lifespan

Friday, 2 May 2014

Lemon ‘Cleanses and Regenerate the Blood’

Vitamin C stands out in the lemon’s composition, only slightly less than the orange, they are a nutritious fruit with many health benefits and an important ingredient in many drinks and dishes.

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. They are also a very good source of potassium, calcium, fiber, and vitamin B6. Also present in lemons are iron, magnesium, riboflavin and thiamin. Lemons are low in saturated fat and very low in sodium and cholesterol. 

- Lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function.

- The high Vitamin C content in lemons offers numerous health benefits. It helps to strengthen the immune system and protect you from the flu, colds and ear infections. Vitamin C has also been shown to slow down the development of heart disease and reduce symptoms of arthritis. 

- Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating.

- Lemons should form a regular part of the diet of anyone suffering from anemia. Although its iron content is very low, it is a very potent anti-anemic since it increases the absorption of iron supplied in other plant –based foods.

- Hesperidin and other flavonoids found in lemons strengthen the capillary walls, improve the elasticity of arteries and reduce the blood’s tendency to excessive clotting.

- Many sore throat and cough remedies contain lemons. When you are dealing with the cold or flu, lemons can be squeezed into chicken soup or herbal tea to speed up recovery time.

- Lemon is highly effective in eliminating uric acid, which is a waste product generated constantly within the body and must be eliminated in the urine. Excess uric acid is deposited in the joints causing arthristis and rheumatic pain. It produces nephritis (inflammation) in the kidneys.

- Lemon use is appropriate for all types of infectious disease, whether viral or bacterial. 

- The antioxidants in lemon juice help to not only decrease blemishes, but wrinkles too! It can also be applied to scars and age spots to reduce their appearance, and because it’s detoxifying your blood, it will maintain your skin’s radiance.

- Lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings, which helps you lose weight.

- Lemons contain flavonoids with anti-cancer properties. In animal research and lab tests using human cells, limonoids, which are a compound in lemons, have shown to battle cancers such as breast, stomach, colon, skin and lung cancer.

Using Lemons

- You will get more juice out of a lemon if you juice it at room temperature and/or warm it up by placing it in a warm bowl of water. Lemons can be used while cooking to bring out the flavor of meat, chicken or fish. Those wanting to decrease their salt intake can squeeze lemons on their food, adding flavor and acting as a salt substitute.

- Making lemonade can be a healthy and delicious way to get the benefits of lemons. It is a simple drink to make. Simply squeeze the lemon into water. Squeezing lemon juice into salad or fruit juice is also a good way to get lemons into the diet.

- Lemons have also been known to lighten freckles and acne scars. Additionally, lemons squeezed into water can help to freshen breath and kill bacteria.

- Lemons also have a long list of uses for cleaning and sanitizing in the home. For example, they can be squeezed into water and placed in the microwave to deodorize it. Alternatively, lemon juice squeezed into water and boiled on a stove can change the aroma of the home and add humidity.