Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Pear "Effective blood pressure controller"

Pears are a juicy, sweet fruit with soft flesh and a grainy-textured skin. Their characteristic shape makes them readily identifiable; they most often have a large, rounded bottom that tapers toward the top. The skin varies in color and may be yellow, light green, brown, red or a combination of these colors. They have a seeded core and are rich in dietary fiber and a number of vitamins and minerals. Many varieties of pears are available; the fruit is usually available in one more varieties year-round.

Pears are noted for their content of sugars while they are lacking in proteins and fats. The most abundant of these sugars is fructose and levulose, which makes them well tolerated by diabetics.

Pears contain small amounts of vitamin C, E, B. The most important of the minerals they contain are potassium, magnesium and iron. They are also a good source of trace elements such as copper and manganese, and a lower proportion, zinc. The pear's vitamin and mineral content is slightly greater than that of apples

Pear is also a good source of vegetable fiber. The pear is diuretic, remineralizing, a mild astringent and refreshing. 

Pear has the capacity to lower blood pressure, this is attributed to its diuretic effect, they contain no sodium, a mineral that tends to retain water within the body, thus increasing blood pressure. Additionally, the pear is very rich in potassium, a mineral with the opposite effect of sodium.

The pear also stimulates renal function, thus it is recommended fruit in cases of renal failure due to nephritis or nephrosis.

Pear consumption promotes elimination of uric acid and nitrogenated substances through the urine. it has an alkalizing effect on the blood, which is of benefit in detoxifying diets used to neutralize excess acid residues produced by high-meat diet.

The pear should be included in weight loss diets because of its mild diuretic action and its depurative effect.

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