Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Mango ‘Nourishes The Skin And Protects The Arteries’

Mango is a masterwork of nature for its aroma, its delicate flavor, and its dietary and therapeutic properties.

Mango is a fresh fruit with the greatest vitamin A content, sixteen types of carotenoids have been identified in mango that are responsible for its vitamin A action. The most abundant of these is beta-carotene. Carotenoids are potent antioxidants that neutralize oxidizing free radicals, which are molecules responsible for cellular aging.

Mango is a good source of vitamin C, a medium sized mango provides 138% of the adult daily requirement of this vitamin.

Mango is one of the richest fresh fruits in Vitamin E, as it provides 33% of the daily requirement.

Mangoes also contain significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and niacin. In terms of minerals potassium is most notable, with smaller amounts of magnesium and iron.

These are the primary therapeutic application of mangoes: 

-Skin Conditions: Eating mangoes help maintain a healthy skin. It has been proven that Vitamin A deficiency produces skin dryness and scaling. Mangoes contribute to proper skin hydration and tone
Eating abundant amounts of mangoes is recommended in cases of eczema, dermatosis (skin degeneration) skin dryness, and as a preventive skin aging. 

-Keeps cholesterol in check: Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibers that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.

-Mangoes are rich in the three most powerful antioxidant Vitamin A,C, and E. Mangoes are of great benefit to the circulatory system and should be included in the diet of all who experience poor blood circulation to the extremities or in the coronary arteries (heart attack)

-Retinal conditions : Vitamin A, whose action is potentiated by the simultaneous presence of vitamin C and E, is necessary to good vision. Mango consumption is recommended whenever there is vision loss due to conditions such as night blindness.

-Diabetes: Diabetics can benefit from eating mangoes because this fruit’s positive effect on the arteries helps prevent the circulatory complications associated with diabetes.

Tips for Usage (Eating/Cooking)

Eating: Being one of the most delicious fruits, mangoes are usually eaten raw. They have a delicate blend of peach, pineapple and apricot flavors, a perfect mixture of sweet and sour. Before proceeding to eat mangoes, you should check their ripeness. A mango is said to be ready to eat when you gently push your fingers onto it and they leave a slight dent on its skin. Mangoes can be eaten in various ways.

1. Cutting the Mango: You can cut the mango into halves and thirds while leaving out the large pit. For this purpose, hold the peeled fruit and make vertical and horizontal cuts to create a chequered pattern. Using a knife, pull out the mango chunks from one half while grasping the other half of the mango. Place these chunks in a bowl.

2. Cubed Mangoes: You can place the cubed mango in a bowl and eat them with a spoon. Mango cubes also make a fantastic addition to fruit salads. To prevent the mango juice from overpowering the flavour of the salad, drain the mango chunks before adding them. You can make delicious mango salads along with other fruits like papaya, apples, cantaloupe, pineapples, pears, sliced cherries and oranges. Add a pinch of cinnamon or lime juice for extra flavour.

3. Desserts: Being naturally sweet, mangoes make a great addition to desserts. They can be blended with yoghurt to make a smoothie or mango cubes can be added to yoghurt. This luscious fresh fruit can be blended with non-fat sour cream and lemon curd and spooned into sweet brandy-snap baskets.

Cooking: Though mangoes are mostly eaten directly, they can also form part of several dishes. Raw mangoes are widely used to make pickles and chutneys. Mango juice is often added to impart flavor to dishes. In fact, there are several cuisines all over the world that use mangoes to add spice to a main course

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