Tuesday 14 July 2015


Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that is beneficial for almost all conditions! It is a very good source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (especially Chinese and red cabbage), antioxidants that help prevent and manage arthritis and macular degeneration, heals ulcer and maintain healthy skin and hair. Because it’s super-low in calories, cabbage is a good food for people looking to lose weight. Red cabbage is rich in quercetin, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant that may help prevent arthritis and age-related memory loss. 

Preparation and use

Raw: Fresh leaves, finely shredded and seasoned with oil (preferably olive oil and lemon makes an excellent salad).

Fresh juice: This is prepared in the blender. Two or three spoonful’s to half a glass on an empty stomach before each meal three or four times a day.

Cooked: Cabbage should be cooked carefully to protect its medicinal properties. Sulfurous phytochemicals are heat sensitive, and disappear with prolonged cooking. The optimal cooking method is steaming.

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